Suffocating | Teen Ink


March 13, 2014
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The luck ones are still breathing.
Their hearts, still beating.
Everyone else is dealing,
even if their walls are peeling.

Emotions that can't be explained.
Things that will never be changed.
If only some of us could breathe,
then we wouldn't lie through our teeth.

Some people have it hard too
but they have all pulled through.
Why are some so different from others?
It happens even to brothers.

The lucky ones can still see,
they can still be,
alert to dishonesty,
and also to bad chemistry.

Emotions that were always clear
but that some didn't want to hear.
Having such feelings is hard,
especially for people with scars.

Some have trouble hearing and seeing,
others, explaining and breathing.
But don't let anyone keep you from seeing
just do you don't know that they too are... Suffocating

The author's comments:
My current situation is sometimes hard to deal with. My parents are getting divorced and school is really stressing me out so, i decided to write a piece about being suffocated with responsibilities and stress.

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