Love Letter to my Fiance | Teen Ink

Love Letter to my Fiance

March 13, 2014
By Anonymous

I wish I could find the right words that could describe the way I feel about you, I know that I love you more today than I loved you yesterday and within every day that we are together my love for you will continue to grow stronger. You are my sunshine on dark days. When I feel my lowest, you bring out the best in me. When I am sad I can look at you and this big smile appears on my face. You are the reason my bad days become beautiful you are always worthy of the beauty of my smile. I find peace and happiness with you; that I know I could never find with anyone else! You give me strength to sore through the sky, to concur my biggest fears and accomplish my wildest dreams and lifelong desires. Together, hand in hand, we have defeated the barriers that tried to destroy what we have created; a love that is true. Through the trails and disbelief, through the hurt, distance and the trench deep scaring pain, still we stand, happy and in love. I know that if we were to go to war we would take it head on and defeat it without a doubt because we are strong and unbreakable, and I know that as long as your heart lies with me and only me, I would fight for the rest of my life to keep our love strong. In your heart I have found my love, in your soul I have found my mate. I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the amazing couple we will continue to be together. <3 <3 <3

The author's comments:
This is for the man I love! L+G= <3

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