Realm of Rejection | Teen Ink

Realm of Rejection

March 3, 2014
By dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Vision is blurred, I can’t see
Everything that is supposed to be
Submissive till the end will come
Sailor’s knot can’t be undone
Prying fingers, jagged nails
Combined with relentless wails

I’m down a ten-foot well
Or in a gloomy jail cell
No one can hear me scream
What if this is all a dream?

Taken away the glory and lights
All I’m left with is a million fights
Let’s leave the loneliness
Extract all hopelessness

Winning isn’t an option
But do proceed with caution
White surrounding the scenery
Though I cry for no victory

Creating another fantasy
Yet, there is no escape from reality
So I’m stuck in a realm of rejection
Without any gear for protection
The clock ticks away
Pressured to save the day
You feel as if you can master it all
Oh wait, that’s the influence of alcohol

High off stolen moments and fractured memories
Who needs a life when you can party with frenemies?
It won’t really matter, it’s only high school
Who will bail you out if you act a fool?

You won’t care, you have everything you want
Materialistic items: you worship, you flaunt
A wicked smile plastered
A style of superiority, mastered
Still stuck in my realm of rejection
Leaving you content with my imperfection
To you, an outcast is what I’ll remain
The entire school, you shall reign

The world is at your feet
A competitor, yet to meet
In time, that will be me
For now, you are Queen Bee

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