No by Caitlin Gray | Teen Ink

No by Caitlin Gray

March 5, 2014
By caitlingray13 BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
caitlingray13 BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wandering hands
Grasping throats
Throwing her down on the concrete
Covering mouths
Unzipping, forcing and traumatizing
Violations of skin and bone
Stripping humanity and clothes
Screaming, desperate for air
Cuts, bruises, emotional scars
Never trusting anyone ever
Never letting them in
The way he let himself in
Shock and hatred and tears
Medicine and diagnoses and
Those who call themselves professionals
Life long painful Polaroids
Of memories no one should ever hold
All because someone did not listen
When you said no

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