The Town Made for Misfit Painters and Lovers | Teen Ink

The Town Made for Misfit Painters and Lovers

March 3, 2014
By sleepyvampire GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
sleepyvampire GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can't afford therapy so I write."
- me

I’m just a man who used to paint for a dream,

Who sold everything but my guitar and pasty smile,

Who can’t stop singing or else I’d die,

“Dreams that follow you

Are too good for you,

Kindred are all dead and gone

Sorry for you to hear this song.

It’s true, my love, it’s true

For how they follow you.

I’m swimming in this black town

Where all the misfits walk in circles.”

I drew a line at the dry fountain

When the boys of good luck fell at their hands and knees.

“My love it’s all too good for you

Divine and colorful in the eyes of you,

You good-hearted spirit and body.

Ghosts for a love and joy

Maybe one day you’ll see what I’m standing here for.

Maybe you won’t have to stand in the same town.”

Then I took my hand, threw it in the air,

“I threw it all away for you,

And all these things you do,

Makes my whole wanna cry

Makes two steps feel like I wanna die.”

“Why can’t you see I did this all for you

But I’m the same as you.”

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