Always a Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Always a Tomorrow

February 27, 2014
By DCvMarvel SILVER, Belevue, Nebraska
DCvMarvel SILVER, Belevue, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"With great power comes great responsibility."

She sits curled in the shadows all alone
Quietly waiting for someone to take her home
The tears roll down her battered cheeks
She had only seen a good meal twice in weeks
In the alley she watches the sunlight fall
Will she be able to last the night at all?
But as she lays her head in on her knees
She hears a voice whisper through the breeze

When the dreary day is done
No matter which side has won
Don’t keep your eyes on the sorrow
For there will always be a tomorrow

The morning comes with little light
To her, it might as well be night
She plods from her hiding out to the street
Hoping to find a morsel to eat
No one meets her gaze as all day she pleads
No one helps to do good deeds
She is shoved away by a harsh hand
On the sidewalk she is scraped by her land

A strong arm reaches down to help the girl rise
There is a feeling of comfort in his eyes
He took of his coat and placed it on her cold frame
He kneels down in front of her asking “What is your name?”
Her voice wouldn’t work as a voice called once more
The gentile voice that talked to her before:

When the dreary day is done
No matter which side has won
Don’t keep your eyes on the sorrow
For there will always be a tomorrow

His smile seemed bright against the dim street light
He took her hand and she didn’t put up a fight
His touch was gentile and comfort kind
She was taken a restaurant and there they dined
To a house they walked with children waiting
She was welcomed in, this she wasn’t anticipating
Though the streets were empty and the wind all still
She could hear the voice while she sat on the sill

When the dreary day is done
No matter which side has won
Don’t keep your eyes on the sorrow
For there will always be a tomorrow

The author's comments:
When I think about my situations, I have to realize there is a time that will get better than now

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