The Dance of the Sun and Shore | Teen Ink

The Dance of the Sun and Shore

February 17, 2014
By Lunaa BRONZE, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Lunaa BRONZE, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On my travels I have come upon

Many a marvel, of that

You can be assured.

Yet never a great marvel

Have I seen in my travels

Than the dance of the Sun and Shore.

In a far away place with

Faraway people

Many a fruit does grow.

They say there’s no cares

In that place faraway,

But the people, they carry a woe.

A plague has raged

In that place over sea

And the people are in dire need.

“The sun brings us healing,”

That’s what they say,

“And we receive good fortune from the sea.”

So the healthy they dance

By the shore all day

And tend to the sick at night

And they dream of the day

When ships will sail

Over the shore, bathed in light.

Sometimes I doubt

If their ship will ever come

But hopeful I’m sure they will stay.

To the beat of their drum

What a song they sung

As I packed up and left one day.

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