Memories | Teen Ink


February 10, 2014
By Lori Esteen BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Lori Esteen BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

have memories, what about you? Of my childhood, and the things I used to do.
I remember my old friends, my old school, and the old toys I used to play with too.
I can recall my first best friend, Ashley; we met on the playground during recess in fourth grade.
The next thing I knew, she was at my 17th birthday party playing a good ole’ game of charades.
I remember my favorite teacher, Mrs. Jackson, who was my first grade teacher,
Yeah she was my favorite, but she always called my imaginary friend a creature.
I remember my first crush, his name was Cole; he liked soccer and his favorite color was green.
I’ll never forget the day in 5th grade when he told me I was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.

Memories, memories, we forget many as the days increase.
We grow old, creating new memories, but one thing doesn’t cease.
Our ways of creating memories, that will hopefully last a lifetime.
That we can one day tell our families, “That’s a favorite memory of mine.”

The author's comments:
This poem was written about memories. I sometimes find myself stuck on a past event that I cannot forget. This poem reminds everyone, young and old, that memories are created daily, and to treasure the new and old ones alike.

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