A Blackened Heart | Teen Ink

A Blackened Heart

January 30, 2014
By TheFifth BRONZE, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
TheFifth BRONZE, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot.

Your beautiful face,
Twisted in rage,
You are an animal,
Locked in her cage.

You yell and you scream
And you flail your arms,
I sit and I nod
And I mean you no harm,
I wait my turn
And get ready to strike,
A blizzard of reason,
Cold as ice.

My words are true
My words are right
You know of this
You scream in spite
You're scared of this
You run in fright.
Why do you run?
I want you back,
I want what we had,
But your heart is black.

You used to love,
And understand,
But now you hate,
And tell me I can't.

You keep me around To push me away,
I'm stuck here with you,
Every day,
You await my departure
With dread and fear,
So instead of treasuring,
You trap me here.
You confiscate
The time of my life,
Spill the blood of my freedom
With your arctic knife,
Languish in my room
Your picture painted in darts,
Together every moment,
We're always apart,
If we keep this up
It will sever our ties
When at last I depart
No tears in my eyes.

I just don't know
Where I made the wrong turn
But the loss of your love
Makes my heart burn,
My insides are flames
With you to blame,
It hurts even worse
'Cause you should be my nurse,
You're supposed to comfort,
And reassure,
Not terrify,
And make insecure.
I wanna fix it
And sometimes I try,
But you never listen;
Look me in the eyes!

You never can bear
The weight of your choices,
Since you choose ignorance,
You silence our voices,
You don't wanna hear it
You don't wanna listen,
You'll never sit down,
And read what I've written.

The author's comments:
This poem has slowly trickled out of my mind over the past few months as my relationship with my mom has gone sharply downhill. This is basically a description of daily life with her. If you have a good relationship with your parents I would advise you to appreciate and preserve it. If you have a bad relationship with your parents, I hope you find sympathy in my rhymes; I know how it feels.

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