Succeeding In Life | Teen Ink

Succeeding In Life

January 30, 2014
By AnaAguilar BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
AnaAguilar BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Only one building to keep everyone in
Trapping hundreds of students as animals in the zoo
Making them stay inside for six long hours
And making them write and read as if they were typing machines
Crowded halls
Students barely awake
Some already starting brawls
Giving them the materials they need
They tell them
That this is what they need to succeed
But none are convinced
Because all of them have the need to leave
No one escapes the laughs and yells across the commons
Such loud and crazy rooms
Girls trying to look their best
While guys just hanging out with their friends
Not caring how they look
While girls are dressed to impress
Teachers trying to teach with no success
While the students ignore them and count the minutes until the end
They tell them
This is what they should do
Because nobody will be there to help them in the future
They tell them
It’s the only way
But they don’t know
What the students can do
With or without them

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