Promises | Teen Ink


January 27, 2014
By Reshmi Pain SILVER, Kolkata, Other
Reshmi Pain SILVER, Kolkata, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Look into my eyes, your hands on my hips,
Hold me so close that I can, kiss your tender lips
Tell me that you love me, whispering desirous words,
Stand by me my beloved, till the very end from start.

Cage my fingers into yours, even if we have a fight,
Cause you know it too, I would have, been crying “last night”;
Take me home into your arms, whenever I’m low,
And if I wanna leave you ever, please don’t let me go.

Confine your little secrets to me, albeit your eyes say it all,
Smile for me, cuz when you do, I know I have it all,
Be insane, crazy and as wild as you’ve, ever wanted to,
But don’t be afraid, cuz I’ve made room for your priceless tears too.

Pull me into your warm embrace, n turn those lights out,
Our voices mingles with drops of rain, take me to the ninth cloud,
Kiss my fears away a make me yours; you are all I have,
As the night melts slow, show me what, it means to be in love.

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