Inspire the World | Teen Ink

Inspire the World

January 24, 2014
By DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We&#039;re all mad here. I&#039;m mad. You&#039;re mad.&quot;<br /> -Cheshire Cat

Why is it every day on our way to the lives we 'worked to have,'
Do we become oblivious and blind to the ones with 'less,'
The ones who need to be inspired?

And why do we cower when someone is asking for some change?
We give them a few pennies out of our $270 coat we got after that nice promotion but,
Give them a dollar and it might feed them a meal they otherwise would have had to take.
Give them $100 and they might pave the world with the beauty of change.

We try to inspire our children all throughout their lives to become what we wish of them.
In all honesty it's what the strangers do for them that changes not only their lives but ours.
It inspires them.

So be kind to the children who shape the next generation and the next and the next, inspire them.

But why must we stop there inspire the ones from past generations inspire everyone with a pulse, because everyone deserves a chance.
And not everyone has that chance at birth.

Inspiration is the key to peace,
Inspire a child end a war.
This is our future shape it with the inspiration it needs.
Shape the people with your actions and words.

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