Sometimes you... | Teen Ink

Sometimes you...

January 21, 2014
By Sedona Buell BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sedona Buell BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes you make my head spin, my heart stops. I try to catch my breath buts it's left my lungs. Your smile is like a punch in the stomach, you have no idea how you really make me feel.

Sometimes I feel like your going to push me I front of a train. The realization that I can problem never be with you kills me. It's like the rope is already around my neck tightening like a snake. The thought of you being with any one else is like being shot and the bullet is digging into me slowly. My love is so great for you it would take three life time to tell you. Your laugh is like medicine it cure all the bad thoughts.

Sometime I feel like we've know each other or years. I smile every day for you hoping you can see I truly mean it.

Sometimes I want to take a knife and carve out my heart, so I can show you how much I care. You and only you are my world, my universe all my thoughts collide making you the center of them. With out you my life would be meaningless, it would be dark, cold, empty even. Maybe you would understand, maybe even feel the same.

Sometimes I wish I could be you'r tears to be born in your eyes, to live on your cheek and die on your lips.

You are my S.

The author's comments:
The person who inspired me to write this is very special to me... I love him with all my heart

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