The Ocean | Teen Ink

The Ocean

December 31, 2013
By aaaaab BRONZE, Rocky River, Ohio
aaaaab BRONZE, Rocky River, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mercilessly kill me.

Throw me into a sea of turmoil.

There is no hope left or reason to live.

Heaven is gone and Hell thrives within me.

I’m alone once again, so I fall within myself.

I’m drowning in an ocean of sorrow.

My river of tears flow into it, feeding it to keep it alive.

I gasp for air with all of my might.

Heaven, come back.

Help me find a way to breathe within this dark abyss.

The sea of misery is drowning me.

Should I sink or fight to swim?

I’m suffocating within this ocean.

This is the ocean of my mind.

I swim to the surface and pray to breathe again

I crawl upon the sandy shores in hopes of escaping this agony.

But it does me no good.

The tide is too strong and pulls me back in.

The waves of sorrow crash upon me as I submerge.

Deeper and deeper, and I sink to my demons.

I cannot drown them, they already know how to swim.

I find myself in an endless whirlpool of misery once again.

Swirling around in despair with no sign of escape.

Do you think that you could save me?

You could rally the rescue ships,

but don’t hope to ever find me.

I fear I am too far gone.

Save yourself while you can.

Misery lingers in your mind waiting to drown you at any moment.

You cannot deny it any longer.

I’ve been thrown into the waves and you know your time is coming.

You could find a way to hide,

but sorrow will always be there to pull you back in.

Everything that you believe in is a lie.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is Hell.

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