The Pair | Teen Ink

The Pair

January 10, 2014
By B-Rod BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
B-Rod BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Climbing is just holding on where everyone else has let go..."

My chest heavy, heaving for a breath I’d never catch
My mouth stood cracked open, air scarce and the fluid thick
The beat was getting fainter, as it did the weakness creeped to my bones
One look. Finding the strength, digging not into my will
But my soul where the strength and energy are plentiful
I begged my soul to give me all it could, just this last time
Then I heard it again: the bells
Such beautiful sounds they made, a perfect ring in the agony and darkness
The sound was followed by joy, that of which is only heard by a young heart
One who has opened their first gift on Christmas or found a new friend
I wanted to go, Oh how much joy the laughter promised
But I also wanted to say a goodbye.
I needed this world to know that I loved it as much as I shall love the next
The flow of strength finally made it, my eyes cleared
Blinding light and silhouettes surrounded me
I knew not friend or foe but the light was growing dimmer
The sound of the bells rang faintly, distantly
A sniffle came from a silhouette next me
I tried to turn but I could only focus on keeping my eyes open this last time
The drum was slowing and becoming quieter
I almost panicked, but something came clear in the dimming lights
An angelic view, a woman bathed in light, her eyes leaking diamonds
She was there, next to me
Familiar as she was, I had no name in my mind
The lights were still fading, the beauty fading
I watched her fade and become less blinding, and like a sunset, it slowly disappeared
It was replaced by darkness, I felt nothing and saw nothing
There was no smell or taste around
It was Peace in the flesh, if it was real
I heard it yet again: the bells and joyous laughter
I ran toward the heavenly sounds, hoping to find this joy
I came across a little boy and girl, not about seven
They were playing tag or maybe a type of Hide and Seek
They motioned for me to join, they said nothing and the had no reason to
The little boy rang his little bell again
The girl started to giggle happily, the little boy joined in
The laughter felt like fire in my chest and I joined in
The joy came out as every moment of my life spilled before my eyes
The memories were sad, happy, up and down
They held mystery and answered questions I’d always had
I saw my faults; I saw my strengths
I cried, I laughed, I worked, I relaxed, I hated, I loved...
As I watched my life before me, I realized the Boy and Girl were next to me
The Pair looked older almost in their twenties it seemed
The girl slipped her small hand in mine and the boy rang his bell again
As they smiled they watched intently my life in the raw
At times I felt proud and others ashamed yet they stayed cheerful throughout
The last memory seeped by, A white room full of light
A figure laid in a bed, eyes shut, struggling
I could see the figure with troubles and it was uncomfortable to see
It’s eyes started to twitch as if it was an unbearable weight
I could feel the figure reaching out, it wanted help
I looked at the Boy and Girl, still staring intently
They remained unmoved and unaffected by the sight
I let go of the Girl’s hand, and walked to the suffering creature, I placed a hand on it
I looked back at the pair and they faintly nodded, they approved
I gave the energy I could and watched as the figure’s eyes opened
Then I saw the people that packed the room
All bared a resemblance to it and the cried quietly, a woman sat near
She was familiar, she whispered and sniffled into its ear
Then I realized how familiar this all was
I was the figure in the bed. The one suffering as all there cried around me
I felt a hand slip into mine once again
I looked over to see an old man and an old woman
The old man pulled a shiny object out of his pocket and rang it
The old lady smiled with delight and giggled happily
The laugh seemed that of a young child and I remembered my joy
Grief and pity took over for a brief moment
I looked back to the memory and watched as the figure closed it’s eyes for the last time
Everything faded slowly to the blackness that had engulfed it earlier
The Old man and Old woman waved and faded to nothing in the darkness
Loneliness creeped into my being
I stood there and realized my life had been full of good things
I never thought at the time that I had been so fortunate but I was lucky
Peace once again filled me, but this time so did a happiness
I heard a bell ring close by, a light revealed a path
I smiled and took the first step, the laughter brought a flow of joy and harmony
I soon found A Little boy and a Little girl not about seven playing
They motioned me to join, as I did the little girl took my hand
The Boy rang his bell again and I looked back one last time
My memories, Family, Lovers, Enemies, Friends, Everything
I laughed merrily, they led me down the Path of Light
They were taking me to Paradise.

The author's comments:
My grandfather died recently. He died in the hospital with a lot of his family in the room to help him pass. He passed in a very similar way but a lot was changed to make it sound nicer. I guess this is what my thought would be about death and a good life.
Anyway comments welcome.

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This article has 1 comment.

Effi. BRONZE said...
on Jan. 13 2014 at 9:50 am
Effi. BRONZE, Canton, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds.

I think this is sad, but beautiful. The ending (no joke) send actual shivers down my spine. The mix of his paradise, as seen through his eyes. And the lack of respone seen through the others, I simply love it.