Free Today | Teen Ink

Free Today

January 3, 2014
By SimpleLogic BRONZE, Orangeburg, New York
SimpleLogic BRONZE, Orangeburg, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have tried in my way to be free" -Leonard Cohen

I have become free today
by the words of the soulless comedian.
while waiting near the water for the sun to go down.

And now
as I speak freely of love with friends
while I smoke my enemies down to the filter
the fog seeps in as our cancer rises to the orange man assembled sun
and we become brothers again.
what a freedom
an honor
a prize
it is to sit here
with naked feet soaking in the cool saturated ground
our hands and fingertips upon the cold concrete built by our ancestors.

We are free to remember the flames between our fingertips
and breath like there is no tomorrow.

It takes my breath away
when he treats me to his allies I once called enemies

And we sit there
and talk of things that normally are unspeakable
and speculate on the unacceptable
for we are now able to speak of such things
and such things make us able
to come together

Is it our sins,
our darkness,
that make us huddle closer?
Is it the run from the light
and from the god (the antagonist
in our world of consumerism)
that brings us together?

Holding hands
we escape.
Not pray for a better tomorrow.
we run away
to the clutches of loneliness

We flee from the things which scare us
so much
that we don’t even realize that we are afraid.

and that, my friend
is freedom.

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