Paparazzi vs Celebrities | Teen Ink

Paparazzi vs Celebrities

January 2, 2014
By Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Rumors and gossip seep through the walls.
Lurking and moving amongst the halls.
Never to end until everyone knew,
the sweet and juicy details that brew.
The words of lies fall from our lips.
Not able to keep the lies from slipping off our tongue’s tip.
Your lungs are caught in deep gasp,
when your secret is out and is too far from your grasp.
We rush to get the news for fame.
When we realize it is part of the game.
We follow your life in order to make one of our own.
That’s why when we meet we can never set the right tone.
You yell and scream.
But all we ever wanted was to be part of your dream.
Once the word is out, it’s hard to save,
the harsh rumors we crave.
Gossip, lies, and rumors.
The chatter we use as humor.
We consider people fools,
when they thrive off the venoms words we use as tools,
to get people to buy the big headline that will be seen,
on the front cover of our magazine.

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