Pride | Teen Ink


January 1, 2014
By cjd223 BRONZE, Herndon, Virginia
cjd223 BRONZE, Herndon, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pride is a balloon
Expanding as it senses
The warmth of praises,
The radiance of admiration.
Yet so easily drained
As it slowly freezes
In the cold, icy depths of cowardice.
It’s vulnerability so easily shown
As it stares in dismay
At the sharpness,
The dreadful criticism.
Pride is a balloon
Hopelessly reaching for the sky
When there is no air
To support and help it rise.
It is the balloon that may become
Hazardously confident,
Boasting and grinning about its supremacy,
It will fill itself with air
Growing wider and wider
Until it realizes a second too late--
There is a limit to pride.

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