Traveling with a Lost Soul | Teen Ink

Traveling with a Lost Soul

December 28, 2013
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where will you be when you’re gone?
When you've finally decided to move on?
Where will you go to find a home?
When you notice things just don’t go away?

Away with the wind
Is where you’ll find me.
Slumbering in a deep cave,
Forever forgetting the color of the sky.
You will find me
Invisible to your sensitivity.
I will be blocked from your mind
And from your thoughts
Where your soul resides.

But who will you be underneath the solemn tree?
How will you find yourself in a dream?
Where will you go my love?

My love, you can find me here at home
Lingering in the shadows
And defending the dreams of darkness
That disrupt your sleep.
You won’t find me in the sun,
It is far too bright to see.
Seeing is for believing
And you will find me in the dark.
I will lure you to me.
We can be together and we can be blind.
Yes, my love, we can be united once again—
Underneath this haunting tree and
Forever venturing through the depths of darkness.

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