Payments | Teen Ink


December 13, 2013
By Rebecca Roland BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
Rebecca Roland BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have a liquidity issue.
You see, people have paid more for me,
Than I’ll ever be worth.
I’m the bill you don’t want to see,
Crumpled up in the back of your pocket.
I hope I came with a payment plan,
Because I wouldn’t want to make you worry,
If I am worth it every month.
I thought I saw a gift receipt,
Tattooed on my ankle once,
Because I’m sure a needle was there before.
And I don’t mean to be acerbic,
Or maybe I do, but I’ve heard that’s not what people want.
So I’m trying to make myself worth,
Every one of your pennies.
But I think it would be better,
If you returned me.

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