Not Interested | Teen Ink

Not Interested

December 16, 2013
By RyanTodys BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
RyanTodys BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe you haven’t noticed
But I have my earbuds in
Which means I don’t feel like talking.

You may not have realized yet
But I’m reading a book.
And I have not even ONCE made eye contact with you
Or even looked up.
I hope you can infer that means I don’t care about what you have to say.

I could have my head down
Or my ears plugged
Or blindfolded
Or asleep
Or have “Don’t Talk to Me” tattooed across my forehead
But you’ll still try to talk to me.

I have two words for you:

Not. Interested.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a girl, whom I do not personally know, but one of my friends did. This friend would complain to me every day about how annoying this other girl was. I used a few of her thoughts while creating this piece. I feel like what this poem describes can really relate to most kids in school (or maybe not in school). Lastly, I hope you enjoy it.

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