If you are you | Teen Ink

If you are you

December 12, 2013
By Jessica Posovich SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Jessica Posovich SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you save yourself for marriage you are a bore.
If you don't save yourself for marriage you are a w****.

If you choose not to touch alcohol you're stuck up.
As soon as you take the first sip you're a drunk.

If you don't lose the weight you're fat.
If you lose to much weight you're on crack.

If you get the answer right then you're a know-it-all.
If you get the answer wrong you're as dumb as a wall.

If you are different you're a poser.
If you look normal you're a follower.
If you're depressed you're an emo.
If your home life isn't the best you're a drama queen.
If you like mud you're a hick.
NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO society won't let you win. Embrace yourself and stand up proud for the people who can't do it themselves.

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