Freedom | Teen Ink


December 7, 2013
By sad-samantha SILVER, Northfield, New Jersey
sad-samantha SILVER, Northfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm standing on the mouth of hell and its going to swallow me whole... And its going to choke on me."- Buffy Summers

Deep within
The attic of my brain
A piece of me refuses
To open up
To jump out and say
“Here I am! Now love me!”
Deep within
The cellar of my heart
Another me sits and waits
She wants to sing and dance
And kiss and laugh
But she is caged
Behind my ribs
A jail cell made of human bone
She tries to tunnel her way out
And every time she just
Makes it to the surface
Of my skin
Before skin does what skin does best
It seals itself up
Leaving just a tiny scab
A spot that once meant

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