the change in you | Teen Ink

the change in you

December 11, 2013
By suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life in not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away

you are different,
something has changed,
you have left me,
you flew away like a bird,
when the cold came in,
you were once so strong,
now more and more we see,
you falling apart,
why did this happen,
where did your hope go,
where is that strength,
how can i be strong when you are not,
you used to be happy,
somedays you act like you are,
but we both know you are not,
i know its hard,
i know everything is wrong,
i know this is not what you wanted,
but you need to be strong,
why do i have to be the strong one,
i can't hold everything together,
i want your craziness back,
how come somedays you can't get out of bed,
how come sometimes i hear you cry,
how come you get mad at me more,
why do you keep letting him hurt you,
why can't you just let him go,
why can't you open up to someone new,
why can't you be happy?

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