By The Sea | Teen Ink

By The Sea

December 11, 2013
By Alex Waters BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
Alex Waters BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking along the shore to search for my treasure.
Competing with crabs is never my pleasure.
Pinchers submerged beneath the sand,
Waiting to pounce upon my hand.

Soft, moist sand crests, between my toes.
While sunrise pushes through the last of night.
Shiny, broken shells shimmer against the sand.

Hollow whispers ride the breeze and fill the air with tranquility;
Only to be distrubed by waves crashing the scene.
Seagulls swaulking while chasing prey and hoping for a bountiful breakfast this day.

What hidden treasures lie beneath this sea?
Could it be the kind that is only valuable to me?
Will today be the day I really get to see?

Sun piercing the clouds and lighting the way.
Crowds of crab rushing to sea.
The blackness of night no longer a protector.




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