What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

December 8, 2013
By DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
-Cheshire Cat

I have many fears,
With all of these fears one frightens me the most,
What if I become the person I refuse to be,
My father.

I'm not sure if my family understands the absolute fear,
His anger burns me from inside,
Like lava hollowing out a mountain.

Every time I try to push his genes from my body,
Each time just bringing me closer to becoming the one I refuse to become,
My father.

Rumaging through my fears,
I try to find one more frightening,
But I can not.
I am like a rat running from the ocean,
Either way I'm getting closer to it.
No running away.
Fully surrounded.

There is nothing more frightening to me...
Then becoming my father.

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