I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

December 4, 2013
By Cowgilrlt BRONZE, Monroe, Washington
Cowgilrlt BRONZE, Monroe, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from horses, cattle and sheep, from pigs to goats and sometimes deer

I am from the busy, stressful, and sometimes rewarding workplace

One that can make or break people

I am from the stethoscope around my neck to the needles and syringes in my hands that help diagnose patients

I am from helping families and teaching hard lessons
From technicians, to assistants, to doctors all working together as one

I am from the long hard walks after a patient has died, to the hateful clients that don’t understand why we couldn’t help their baby

I am from always needing to be on time, to always double checking my work

I am from not always having enough time to save a patient to sometimes making critical human errors

I am from general patients to ICU and emergency critical care patients

From crying with the owner on the floor while rocking the patient between your bodies after it was euthanized

I am from the devastating outcomes of stupid and simple mistakes

From the fast paced workplace with barely enough time to sit and think

I am from the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine field that is not always easy but can be rewarding when a job is well done

The author's comments:
This poem was one that i completed for part of my Junior project to graduate my Junior English class i ended up taking such a liking to it that I wanted to see what others thought about it

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