One fear, One soul | Teen Ink

One fear, One soul

December 3, 2013
By Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When writing the story of your life, do not allow anyone else to hold the pen"

It leaves nothing for the eyes, but much for the ears, something for the blind and nothing for your tears. The darkness stays timid, afraid of what is most afraid, and waits all night for its accidental prey. It evokes a strong tenderness, and digs deep into your soul, the more you fear, the further it’ll grow. Its power begins to turn dark and its self-control starts to fade, yet the fear slowly drifts, but leaves the soul hollow and afraid. The emptiness within you silently signals for the darkness, and it slowly devours everything inside, swallowing the good, and allowing the bad to grow greater in size. By now there is no stopping it, you’ve lost all your power and control, the more you struggle the more pain you feel, it’s like a pit, maybe even a black hole. So don’t let a fear overwhelm you, for it will eventually take its own toll, don’t forget the side effects, the words left unmentioned, and all the gifted parts of your soul.

The author's comments:
Thought Id allow my creativity to show through my writing for once. My mind often comes to the topic or "Fears" a lot, so figured itd be interesting to writie about what i feel when it comes into my mind and i overthink it every time.

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