Terror of Dreams | Teen Ink

Terror of Dreams

November 20, 2013
By HannahEatsCheese BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
HannahEatsCheese BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life, Death
Joy, Pain
Love, Hurt
Why is this world so cruel?
Where's the Happy, the Grace?
Why does Life turn into Death?
Why does Joy bring Pain?
Why does Love Hurt?
I sit by and watch others enjoy life
While I seem to have no meaning anymore.
Hope is gone, replaced by bitter sadness.
Why now?
I can't go on much longer.
The pain is deep.
Keeping me up at night.
You appear in my dreams.
With your evil stare.
How did you get here?
Fine, take me.
Take me on this roller coaster of terror I will never get off.
It's okay, I'm used to it I say.
As I awake from my dream, too scared to fall back asleep, I know you've done your damage yet again.
Life, Death
Joy, Pain
Love, Hurt

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