Darkness | Teen Ink


November 21, 2013
By Anonymous

He smells the stench of bodies slowly rotting,
It reminds him of the days of campfires and family
He wishes he could go back to those days.

He feels the shoulder of a fellow soldier,
As he is being led into oblivion.
He doesn’t know what to think of life anymore.

He tastes the the horrible stench of rotting bodies,
As he gags after each intake of breath.
He has this salty taste of blood,
As it slowly drips down his face.

He hears the last breath of each fallen soldier,
thinking did they ever have campfires with his family?
He hears moans and screeches of soldiers being killed,
Fighting for their lives with the last bit of life left.

He sees nothing but darkness,
The pictures of memories flash in his mind,
Like a movie playing on a late saturday night.
Remembering all the good times he had.
Wondering if he is going to get shot.

The author's comments:
A man efected by mustard gas in WW1.

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