Lady Masquerade | Teen Ink

Lady Masquerade

November 15, 2013
By MeganBrianne SILVER, Centerville, Utah
MeganBrianne SILVER, Centerville, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Adventure is out there!"

Lady Masquerade is beautiful.
Lady Masquerade is flawless.
Lady Masquerade is jubilant.
Lady Masquerade is content.
Lady Masquerade is fearless.
These are the words written on her face.
But look through the brilliantly hued mask
Into her eclipsed eyes.
She cowers.
Lady Masquerade is hiding.
Lady Masquerade is scarred.
Lady Masquerade is crumbling.
Lady Masquerade dreams of more.
Lady Masquerade is terrified.

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