Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down | Teen Ink

Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down

November 14, 2013
By amberjade1298 BRONZE, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
amberjade1298 BRONZE, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life with no regrets

Becoming these ashes,
Is all I’ve ever known.
I simply weep in the garden,
Of the forlorn seeds I’ve sewn.
I drop to my knees,
Wondering if I’ll stand again.
I feel trapped though,
As if caged in a satanic pen.
Swallow it whole,
He whispers to me.
Do it now,
Proclaiming it was meant to be.
Then she looks in my eyes,
Calling to whatever’s left.
For taking your life,
God will consider theft.
He draws me in,
And consumes me whole.
Gripping tighter and tighter,
Onto my crippling soul.

She knows what’s happening,
She’s urging me to stand.
Attempting to reach out,
Offering both of her hands.
He takes them instead,
And tells me to fall.
Right now is your time,
Don’t you dare try to crawl.
He tells me once more,
Put all your grief to rest.
Just let it burn,
Forget what’s within your chest.
But I know my heart is still there,
She reminds me of that.
Although I took a vow,
And upon his throne I sat.
Drank the poison from his chalice,
With lethal intent.
So he continued to inflict pain,
While I gave him my consent.
I fell to the ground,
Making a permanent incision.
This wound has marked me,
Engraved with such demonic precision.
She forced breath into me,
Promising I would make it through.
I never expected it,
But she spoke words that held true.
I rose from the embers,
Taking back my hold.
Grasping the trees tight,
Thinking I was bold.
I grew solemn as time went on,
Suddenly beginning to slip.
He reminded me of the past,
And again we became attached at the hip.
I realized a fire had started,
As I began to sink.
He told me to remember,
The contract we had set in ink.
Thinking he was right,
I refused to turn back.
Watching the flames consume me,
Before it all turned to black.
She found me then,
At my weakest point.
Discovering bare bones,
Attached with no joint.
How they still connected,
I will never comprehend.
She saved me though,
Insisting that it was not the end.
She watched over me,
Carrying herself with such grace.
Showing me that all along,
I was meant to take her place.
As I push on,
The embers burn out.
Exposing flowers from the ground,
Of which I had come out.
She gives me flashbacks,
Of the faults I had made.
When I had fallen to ashes,
And my will to live had begun to fade.
Then she lets go of the memories,
Reminding me of the strength within the trees.
Planting my roots,
Never allowing me to collapse to my knees.
This garden of Eden,
Has been burnt and slain,
But I will never forget,
She who made it rain.

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