Love (16's POV) | Teen Ink

Love (16's POV)

November 9, 2013
By AireenAsh BRONZE, Woodlands, Other
AireenAsh BRONZE, Woodlands, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you&rsquo;ve carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.&rdquo; <br /> ― Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

We have wondered where’s our love,

yet we knew the answer.

They’re right in front of us,

but we wanted a lover.

It’s not a lover we seek,

it’s desire.

We longed for skin ship,

from that lover we dreamed of.

That too is a desire,

wishing for that to happen,

and that is also why it’s a dream.

But it is possible to grasp,

only if you discern those who loves you,

and likewise loves them back.

You have only do it right,

if you don’t feel the need to be loved.

For we do not seek love,

we wait.

And while waiting,

we do not neglect our loved ones.

The author's comments:
My point of view about love and also thanks to my family who inspired me to write this piece.

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