Just Jumping | Teen Ink

Just Jumping

November 7, 2013
By AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The whole situation is just wonderful
How those moments tear me apart
How those moments are burned into me
People who disgust me
People who I spend my time escaping
I consistently ward off their eyes,
but I know what they look like when they shed tears
I seldom talk to them,
but their screams are ringing in my ears.
Every time I block my view
I see them
As they're falling. As they've fallen
I can't break the sounds
I can't fence the images
And now more than ever
I can't linger in their presence
I see them
Just Jumping

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