What happened to individual? | Teen Ink

What happened to individual?

November 6, 2013
By Emma.Goble SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Emma.Goble SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To live is not to exist, but for every man to make himself more noble and find his own satisfaction.

Remember our hopes
Now just faded aspirations
We blame all our frustration
On appearance and reputation

Carved as a woodwork
Made separate, but predictable
Now so ineffectual
What happened to individual?

We want to belong
For some unknown reason
Say that we’ve found salvation
But in our mind it’s Armageddon

Don’t forget your dreams
That’s not something to abrogate
Don’t let others terminate
All that you’ve begun to cultivate

Don’t deny the truth
Blurry sight never helped you see
Don’t dismiss this journey
Live your life; it’s your own destiny

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