Whispers of Rage | Teen Ink

Whispers of Rage

November 2, 2013
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is clumsy and foolish
in the eyes of the blind,
they see her with ignorance
and plant wicked thoughts in her mind.
She didn’t see it coming,
her heart knew they were wrong
but her eyes were deceiving
about who she was all along.
They taunted her
with their whispers of rage
and they broke her down
and backed her into a cage.
She tried to shut them out
she tried to silence the noise
but the voices got louder
as she buried her old toys.
She laid them in a box
and told them not to cry
she said she’d visit them soon
only before she said goodbye.
The cool metal escape
was pressed against her head,
her finger ready to unleash the ball
that would prove wrong what the voices said.
She was drowning in her tears,
hopeless and lost in the big sea,
the bullet ended the bitter thoughts
just as she imagined they would be.
She fell limp into an abyss,
and as just another mark,
once a beautiful creature too fond of light,
she would forever be lost in the dark.
They went to her funeral
and saw her in the white casket,
the girl that instantly became nothing--
nothing but food for the maggots.
Only then did they realize the beauty she held;
at least then she was accepted.
but only after they ruined her
and only after she ended it.

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