The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

October 28, 2013
By scarredwing SILVER, Madison WI, Wisconsin
scarredwing SILVER, Madison WI, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart.: I am, I am, I am." --Sylvia Plath

Darling, open your mind

Tell me about empty hearts
and flashes of storm
and drowning in black

Tell me what you hear
Syrupy sweet, malicious voices
stringing webs of lies
Don't get caught in their trap

Show me all the holes
Talk to me of your plans

When it comes to your words
I'd rather have the dead and dying
than a million lying sunflowers

Darling, tell me the truth

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