Palm Tree | Teen Ink

Palm Tree

October 26, 2013
By Kimmberlynn BRONZE, Hemet, California
Kimmberlynn BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I danced in the Shallow Waters and sunk my toes in the Muddy Sand
The weather was perfect
All cool breeze and shining sun
The Shade under you looked inviting, but for some reason I didn’t go and sit and make myself at home
I thought I’d have more fun splashing in the Waves that crashed onto the tiny island
I kept telling you: “Just wait little Palm Tree, just wait.”
As the Sun set and the Moon rose and it started getting cold, you were tired of waiting for me
I felt so alone as I sat in the sand
Away from the waters edge
The Black Bubbles tempted me to come test the waters
“Just one more time.” They gurgled
But I didn’t
Because I knew if I went I’d be dragged out to sea
The chance to stretch under your shade would be lost entirely
So I stayed
Waiting for daylight and the sun to warm my skin again

The author's comments:
Basically it's a metaphor about a boy.

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