Time Gathers Dust | Teen Ink

Time Gathers Dust

October 9, 2013
By MargaretAnne BRONZE, Essex, Connecticut
MargaretAnne BRONZE, Essex, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"...And she didn't understand how anyone could only love a part. Her greedy heart didn't work that way." --J.M. Barrie, "Peter Pan"

A girl in powdered blue
With flat grey eyes
And thick broad shoulders
Hangs on a wall

She is covered in cracks
And visibly aged
But her youth is preserved
In a timeless box

A caged canary
A work of beauty
A fleeting creation
Where is her life now?

Around her the world grows
Trees fall
Buildings burn
People live

People live
And die
And live
And die

And she watches
Her world move
From her still glass

Where is her rust?
Where is her destruction?
Where is her fire?

There must be some life
Among this suffocating dust..

The author's comments:
I wrote this while looking at a painting of a sad girl in Yale Art Museum. On the surface, my poem depicts a girl in a painting, but it is supposed to represent a girl who doesn't feel alive or a part of the world she is living in.

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