Love Vs. Hate | Teen Ink

Love Vs. Hate

October 6, 2013
By E.F.Penn BRONZE, Walnut Creek, California
E.F.Penn BRONZE, Walnut Creek, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I cry tears of hate,
never of love,
never of joy.

For hate is the overwhelming feeling I get when I think about you
And I always think about you.
You fill my mind with whimsy,
That you shatter with your words.
Words of hateful lies and promises.

And even after I told you and myself I was done
you still linger
Like the smell of smoke
You fill up my lungs
With regretful hope.

And you didn’t give enough
to let me forget
let me move on
without smoke in my lungs.


Love is the one feeling I can’t get rid of,
It eases its way back into my mind,
Bringing with it a sense of dread.
It makes me remember how much I care.

Like a wave beating against the sand
you make my heart beat.
And you’ll never have a clue how much love you have ripped out of me.

Like a child at play
you're oblivious to your surroundings.
So I must make sure you don’t get hurt.
With all my hate inside.

All I can do is watch as you move on from me
Without a second thought.
So I will dive in headfirst and try and reach you
Through this thick murky pain
For the love i’ve always had
Is far stronger than the hate i was given

The author's comments:
This is something i wrote when i was going through some hard times

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