Memories | Teen Ink


October 4, 2013
By hannah_devries SILVER, Lemont, Illinois
hannah_devries SILVER, Lemont, Illinois
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

It was a quiet morning,
Not much happening.
But something was wrong.
I could feel it.
Then Dad came home,
In the late afternoon.
Bearing bad news,
Though we didn’t know it,
We were one family member short.
He said to us,
“This morning something happened,
Something sad and not good,
Though it may be good.
This morning your Grandma got up,
She got ready for the day,
But stopped short of leaving her room.
She looked to her bed and saw your Grandpa.
He was breathing hard and slow.
She knew something was not right.
She called an ambulance and took them to her room.
By then his breathing was even worst that before.
She called up me and Aunt Amy, and your Uncle Bob.
By the time we got to her house,
Your Grandpa was already gone.
He was rushed to the hospital,
Where the doctors did everything they could.
But they had said, ‘We’re sorry, but there wasn’t much we could do.’
Your Grandpa didn’t make it.
Go get ready,
We’re leaving soon.”
When Dad finished,
We were all in tears.
I knew something had been wrong.
Meagan cried for the longest.
Then I got a call.
I went to the study,
And saw it was Maddi.
I answered it and said I counldn’t talk.
She knew something was wrong,
And she asked me what it was.
I told her he died, and she cried as well.
She knew him too, as well as her parents.
We left for the house,
Where my grandma was living.
When we walked through the door,
The first thing my Grandma said was,
“Meagan, why aren’t you on the plane?”
She said this was too important.
The day ended, but our visit did not.
We stayed with my Grandma,
Till seven the next morning.
It was cold and bitter,
And the snow was falling.
I thought it looked beautiful,
And then I felt in my heart
That he would say,
“Just like you.”

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because it was a reminder of what really happened the day my grandfather died. It was a really emotional piece and I hope that it speaks to a lot of people who have had a death in their family or a friends. This poem really depicts the worst moments that happened to me and how I felt.. Hopefully, people understand the feeling and understand the poem.

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