A Mourning Heart | Teen Ink

A Mourning Heart

October 2, 2013
By Mikiah Keener BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
Mikiah Keener BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Mourning Heart

Dressed in all black

She felt darker than she looked

Nothing left but memories

Because her husband’s life was took

Laying down on his grave

She was just wishing that he were here

A strong love they had

Then she started to sadly drop her tears

She’s mourning because

She can’t believe he’s not here anymore

Didn’t leave peacefully

He lost his life to the tragic Vietnam War

Overwhelmed with sorrow

Her poor little heart was dried up from grief

Laying down thinking

When will it be our time to again meet?

Even though he’s gone away

Even though he’s not alive

She’ll go on and be strong

Because true love

Never dies.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece based on a picture that I saw in a magazine. My goal for this poem was to be descriptive as possible and try my best to describe the picture in words that way my audience would be able to paint an image in their heads of the same picture that I saw.

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