Finally You | Teen Ink

Finally You

October 3, 2013
By Daven601 BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
Daven601 BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Peach tree's make apples, you just have to believe in yourself" -Danny Allen

Far from the heart.
To close to the soul.
You raise yourself above my eyes.
Your angel like disquise, eyes like a summer moon.
Gracefully, you take my hand and off we go.
My life much different than yours.
You have no experience of me, and know nothing.
My life is very much different than yours, I must warn. There is no turning back now, the party has just begun.
Ex's and Oh's dancing to the flow, welcome to my life!

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