Symbolism | Teen Ink


September 30, 2013
By lucyliman SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
lucyliman SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every since I was little, I had been in love with symbols.
Symbols told us stories of the past, present, and future
In only a simple sketch

Every curve and twist
Vertical and horizontal line
Animal and flower
All meant something

I also enjoy today’s symbols
The symbol of Catholicism
The symbol of Dolce & Gabbana
The symbol of Starbucks

You can also acknowledge the bigger symbols
Like how every character
Is a symbol

We represent our families
Ethnicities, genders,
Social class, hair color,
Even the preference of how you like your steak cooked

Symbolism is something you can major in
Get a degree in
Read a book about
Learn about in “Angels and Demons”
However you only learn the visuals

You see the symbol, but it’s also important to soak in its meaning
You see the Star of David, now think about Judaism
You see the intertwined C’s, now stop by Chanel
You see the golden M, now consider a Big Mac

It’s a lot like people
You see my accessories, think of my wealth
You see my cleanliness, think of my self-respect
You see my eyes, think of the emotion hidden within them

When you see a person
See not them but a symbol
Do not judge,
Just simply a person who represents themselves

And judge them but not who they are
But if their symbol and yours create a story

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