Nighmares | Teen Ink


October 2, 2013
By girlsarelikeapples SILVER, Double Oak, Texas
girlsarelikeapples SILVER, Double Oak, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times its sent away. -Sarah Kay

I saw you in my dreams last night
your blue eyes sparkled
lips puckered in just the right way
sandy blond hair parted to the side
the smell of fresh laundry filling the air around you
you spoke to me
you spoke to me the way you had back then
when you loved me
when you could not stand to live without me
your lips press to mine
I can feel your heartbeat through your chest
for a minute I am happy
but then suddenly you pull away
and tell me you do not want me
I am not good enough for you
I am too broken for a boy like you
then you walk away
and I wake up with a shutter of
I still love you I always will
no matter what you said
no matter what you did
but I can not go back to you
I deserve better
even if I do not think so now

The author's comments:
I used to get night terrors after I broke up with my boyfriend.

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