Snow Stops | Teen Ink

Snow Stops

September 28, 2013
By rashelrms SILVER, Murchison, Texas
rashelrms SILVER, Murchison, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

ometimes when the

Snow is lightly falling

You can't hear it

Or see it

Or feel it

But when it disappears, you

Know, that subtle feeling

In the air disappears, and you're

Left all alone, And you're

Praying "Please come back, I

Need you," and you're

Hoping it'll come back

Because you depended on it

To be there, and now that you're

Alone, there's this black hole

In front of you, and the emptiness

Is calling and you're

Hoping and praying that the

Snow that was lightly falling

Comes back but it never does

It was never acknowledged

And the emptiness is calling

And it's darkdarkdark without the

White subtle snow and you're

Wondering what you did wrong

Why is it gone, I enjoyed your presence

Needed you, even if I didn't admit

It, but why? Where has the white

Falling snow gone, my world is now


The author's comments:
A sequel of sorts to Snow Falling

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