Perfectionism | Teen Ink


September 29, 2013
By rashelrms SILVER, Murchison, Texas
rashelrms SILVER, Murchison, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Staring into the glass

I see a perfect mimicry of my face
Shadows and Lights outline

Tiny Scars in the shape of my heart
Not scars, mistakes

Trapped in the glass outline
My seemingly perfect face

I reach out a hand to a scar
Trapped in the glass SNAP!
Shatters the glass as if I am dreaming I

reach out a hand to the broken dancing edge
of glass and see my life

outlined on the edge
Lingering in perfectionism

The room spins
I am reminded of my ultimate goal

The perfect mimicry of my face
Lies shattered on the floor

I stand

Teardrops inch down and
Drop one by one


Cannot be shattered so easily I think

And yet I still

Dance on the edge of gravity

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