April Fool's Day | Teen Ink

April Fool's Day

September 24, 2013
By Brittbrittmitt SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Brittbrittmitt SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She went down the stairs.
And up the stream.
Through the trees.
But fell to her knees.
She cried and sobbed and screamed
But no one could hear her.
She then began to laugh.
She had set traps all day, but none had caught on.
Except on her father. Eventually, she had her victim trapped.
And threw flour all over her, while her wet skin absorbed every bit.
She stared at her caked-white mother. And ran.
After seeing the look in her mothers eyes and hearing the words she cannot repeat.
She cried and roared, with laughter.
The first of April being a success.

The author's comments:
My parents and I were on vacation at our fishing camp. While my mother was out in her kayak, I devised a plan.

As she was paddling back, I put a bag of flour behind my back. She then pulled up alongside the dock, and was all wet from the water, and I dumped the entire bag over her and it stuck to her.

Great April Fool's Day!

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