Up and Away | Teen Ink

Up and Away

September 18, 2013
By Briv1 BRONZE, New City, New York
Briv1 BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Up and Away
Staring up at the stars
my mind is now finally clear
And all I can hear are the racing cars

The distasteful smell of tar
but it didn’t matter I was full of cheer
Staring up at the stars

If I can get out of here and jump all the way to mars
I can finally steer
and all I can hear are the racing cars

I can finally get rid of these bruises and scars
it felt too near
Staring up at the stars

sounds of beers clinking and clanking down at the bar

right near the pier
And all I can hear are the racing cars

I looked back and everything seemed so far
and I was still down here
Staring up at the stars
And all I can hear are the racing cars

The author's comments:
Allows people to think about being somewhere else

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