Pox On My Body! | Teen Ink

Pox On My Body!

September 13, 2013
By PrettyPersonality BRONZE, Oakpark, Missouri
PrettyPersonality BRONZE, Oakpark, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Who Am I. To Answer That You Must First Tell Me Who Are You.

Unforgettable day
The day I’d like to forget,
Is the morning I began to itch!
I woke up scratching my arms, stomach, and feet,
My sister thought the red spots were neat.
I took a long hot shower
Waited an hour...
The itch never stopped,
I noticed twelve new spots!
Mother ran in the room with a hand full of dirty socks
She said, “Oh you have chicken pox.”
I hit my head and fell into bed,
Then I said, “Well this isn’t great.”
She hurried out and told my sister to stay away.
I itched for the rest of the day,
It never went away.
That’s why the morning I started to itch,
Would be a day I’d like to forget!
Autymn Fluker

The author's comments:
There was a time when i got chicken pox, and i missed a whole week of school. so i wish i forgot the day it happend.

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